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Art, from Plato and Aristotle, to Hegel, to Marx: Labour is the realization of the will, that is, the synthesization of the ideal through the materiality of our social bodies which inevitably results in the transformation of reality. Art is the labour that, by apealing and tricking the inmediate, brings us conscience of that which escapes the empiric, what lies in subjectivity: our material conditions.

poems n thots

las arrugas de mis ojos,
que el descuido del tiempo
esculpió en mi dermis,
mi piel
tan endeble como el mármol.

el descuido:
mi sonrisa—
me desnuda,
me transparenta,
me visibliza,
me traspasa.

no quiero posar bajo el farol
ni ser sabida,
sólo el respeto a mi deseo
de ser acogida
bajo la penumbra.

English language book titles are always something like The Unfuckable Darkness of Loving or The Proctologist's Daughter-in-Law.

Undécima tésis: los filósofos hasta el momento solamente han interpretado la realidad, el punto es transformarla.